Sunday, January 27, 2013

The New Buildings - The Barn, Etc.

The Barn, Etc.

I guess "etc." is really just the outhouse.  We wanted to build an old-fashioned outhouse when we built the cabin, but it turns out that outhouses are illegal in Huerfano County.  So we built a structure that looks like an outhouse and put a chemical, camping toilet in it.  Since we mostly just used the cabin on weekends, it worked well enough and didn't use much water. 

It's pretty weathered now and needs some repairs and a coat of paint.  The cabin needs work as well.  Hopefully we can get to it in the spring.

Below are some pictures of the new 4-stall barn we have built.   Each stall has an exterior shed and run, so we can actually keep up to 8 horses here.  There is a wash bay that we currrently use as a human shower.  The horses get bathed outside.  We have a washer, dryer and refrigerator off the wash bay which are also for human use at the moment and a barn office that we currently stay in when we are down on the land.  The office has a composting toilet.

The barn has a freshwater system, a rainwater system and a gray water system piped in the floor.  We do not have the gutters or cistern for the rainwater system set up yet, nor are we saving and recycling gray water.  These are planned and hopefully will go in soon. 

Below are the two office doors.  One is on the south side of the exterior of the barn and the other is from the main part of the barn into the office.

The photos below show the interior of the barn office the way it is now set up as a small apartment with a sleeping loft.  The sofa and chair also make into beds for visitors when they come.

Below are the stalls from the inside.

And the wash bay with appliances...

And last but not least, the unfinished tack room with its own little wood stove which will double as more private guest quarters when it is done.

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